Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lawsuit against local judge dismissed by the 8th Circuit.

Today the 8th Circuit decided that a case that had garnered national attention,  Bethany Bowen  v.  Honorable Jeffre Cheuvront, was moot.  Bethany Bowen had sued Lancaster County District Court Judge Jeffre Cheuvront for rulings he had made in a criminal case in which she was the complaining witness.  Judge Cheuvront had appropriately limited Ms. Bowen’s use of terms like “rape” in the criminal trial of the man she accused of sexual assault.  After two mis-trials the state of Nebraska dismissed the charges against the accused man.  The 8th Circuit held that that dismissal mooted Ms. Bowen’s lawsuit against Judge Cheuvront and directed the district court to dismiss the lawsuit.
Jeanelle Lust


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