Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Nursing Home Civil Rights Case

By: Laura E. Troshynski <>

Can alleged inadequate nursing home care lead to a civil
rights lawsuit? According to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit, the answer is "yes." In July of 2009, in the case of
John J. Kane Regional Centers-Glen Hazel v. Grammer, the Third Circuit
held that the Federal Nursing Home Reform Amendments (FNHRA) guarantee a
nursing home resident's civil rights. Consequently, according to the
Third Circuit, private civil rights lawsuits may be brought against
nursing homes in the event of alleged wrongful death or inadequate
patient care. Recently, the United States Supreme Court declined to
review the case, allowing the Third Circuit decision to stand.

The Third Circuit's ruling was the result of a claim brought
by Sarah Grammer against a Pittsburgh-area nursing home in which Grammer
alleged that her mother, Melvinteen Daniels, was neglected by the John
J. Kane Regional Center. According to Ms. Grammer, the facility
provided inadequate care which eventually resulted in her mother's
death. Instead of filing a typical negligence claim against the nursing
home, Ms. Grammer chose to sue under the Federal Nursing Home Reform
Amendments. According to Ms. Grammer, the FNHRA guarantee various
patient rights, including the right to quality care. Therefore, Ms.
Grammer contended that the alleged inadequate care received by her
mother constituted a civil rights violation for which she could bring a
civil rights lawsuit under the FNHRA. The nursing home, however,
contended that the FNHRA were simply meant to outline requirements for
Medicaid and Medicare certification.

Initially, the District Court ruled in favor of the nursing
home facility. However, the Third Circuit overturned the District
Court's ruling, holding that the FNHRA creates the right to a private
civil rights lawsuit in the event of inadequate care. Various groups,
including the AHCA, the American Association of Homes and Services for
the Aging, and various individual states petitioned the Supreme Court to
review the holding of the Third District. However, despite this
petition, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Therefore, it
appears as if nursing homes throughout the country may be exposed to
potential civil rights lawsuits in the event of alleged inadequate
patient care.

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